With Humanity: How Amend Advances Change in Prison Culture

With the help of Amend, Washington State is making progress towards a more humane and effective prison system.

A recent Seattle Times article explores the efforts of Washington State to reform its prison system, working with Amend to introduce a more humane and rehabilitative approach to incarceration. Amend program manager Kelsey Engstrom plays a crucial role in driving these changes, helping make strides in reducing recidivism through reforms in education, vocational training, and addiction support. Amend also plays a central role in providing the substantial resources for the international exchange and training necessary to implement compassionate and rehabilitative approaches that change prison culture and reduce harm. Read the complete article here.

Founded by Dr. Brie Williams, ARC core faculty member and its Associate Director for Policy, Amend at UCSF is a public health and human rights program that works in prisons to reduce their debilitating health effects on residents and staff, while also joining policy makers and community leaders to advance decarceration strategies and a better, new system of accountability and healing in the US.