Christopher Koenig

Assistant Professor

Christopher J. Koenig is an Assistant Professor at San Francisco State University. With training at the intersection of linguistics and sociology, his research focuses on the social dimensions of health and illness and emphasizes the mediating role of communication on the social, organizational, and cultural context of providing health care. He specializes in the use of video and ethnography as tools to facilitate reflective practice. In the long-term, his goal is to improve the delivery of healthcare by studying culture and communication as a social process.

  1. Pyne JM, Kelly PA, Fischer EP, Miller CJ, Connolly SL, Wright P, Zamora K, Koenig CJ, Seal KH, Fortney JC. Initial concurrent and convergent validity of the Perceived Access Inventory (PAI) for mental health services. Psychological services 2020. PMID: 33030947

  2. Garrett SB, Matthews TM, Abramson CM, Koenig CJ, Hlubocky FJ, Daugherty CK, Munster PN, Dohan D. Before Consent: Qualitative Analysis of Deliberations of Patients With Advanced Cancer About Early-Phase Clinical Trials. Journal of oncology practice 2019. PMID: 31603726

  3. Pyne JM, Kelly PA, Fischer EP, Miller CJ, Wright P, Zamora K, Koenig CJ, Stanley R, Seal K, Fortney JC. Development of a Perceived Access Inventory for Community Care Mental Healthcare Services for Veterans. Military medicine 2019. PMID: 30690462

  4. Nevedal AL, Wagner TH, Ellerbe LS, Asch SM, Koenig CJ. A Qualitative Study of Primary Care Providers' Experiences with the Veterans Choice Program. Journal of general internal medicine 2019. PMID: 30684200

  5. Barton JL, Hulen E, Schue A, Yelin EH, Ono SS, Tuepker A, Koenig CJ. Experience and context shape patient and clinician goals for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a qualitative study. Arthritis care & research 2018. PMID: 29438606

  6. Connolly SL, Miller CJ, Koenig CJ, Zamora KA, Wright PB, Stanley RL, Pyne JM. Veterans' Attitudes Toward Smartphone App Use for Mental Health Care: Qualitative Study of Rurality and Age Differences. JMIR mHealth and uHealth 2018. PMID: 30135050

  7. Cheney AM, Koenig CJ, Miller CJ, Zamora K, Wright P, Stanley R, Fortney J, Burgess JF, Pyne JM. Veteran-centered barriers to VA mental healthcare services use. BMC health services research 2018. PMID: 30064427

  8. Pyne JM, Kelly PA, Fischer EP, Miller CJ, Wright P, Zamora K, Koenig CJ, Stanley R, Seal K, Burgess JF, Fortney JC. Development of the Perceived Access Inventory: A patient-centered measure of access to mental health care. Psychological services 2018. PMID: 30024190

  9. Bovin MJ, Miller CJ, Koenig CJ, Lipschitz JM, Zamora KA, Wright PB, Pyne JM, Burgess JF. Veterans' experiences initiating VA-based mental health care. 2018. PMID: 29781656

  10. Sarah Bracey Garrett, Christopher J Koenig, Daniel Paul Dohan. How do late-stage cancer patients join an early phase clinical trial? A qualitative investigation of the process. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2017. PMID:

  11. Ratanawongsa N, Matta GY, Lyles CR, Koenig CJ, Barton JL, Yu K, Schillinger D. Multitasking and Silent Electronic Health Record Use in Ambulatory Visits. Volume 177 of Issue 9. JAMA internal medicine 2017. PMID: 28672379

  12. Abraham TH, Koenig CJ, Zamora K, Hill C, Uddo M, Kelly AP, Hamilton MF, Curran GM, Pyne JM, Seal KH. Situating mental health work in place: Qualitative findings from interviews with Veterans in Southeastern Louisiana and Northern California. Volume 47. Health & place 2017. PMID: 28755653

  13. Frank JW, Lovejoy TI, Becker WC, Morasco BJ, Koenig CJ, Hoffecker L, Dischinger HR, Dobscha SK, Krebs EE. Patient Outcomes in Dose Reduction or Discontinuation of Long-Term Opioid Therapy: A Systematic Review. Volume 167 of Issue 3. Annals of internal medicine 2017. PMID: 28715848

  14. Garrett SB, Koenig CJ, Trupin L, Hlubocky FJ, Daugherty CK, Reinert A, Munster P, Dohan D. What advanced cancer patients with limited treatment options know about clinical research: a qualitative study. Volume 25 of Issue 10. Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer 2017. PMID: 28488050

  15. Miller CJ, Burgess JF, Fischer EP, Hodges DJ, Belanger LK, Lipschitz JM, Easley SR, Koenig CJ, Stanley RL, Pyne JM. Practical application of opt-out recruitment methods in two health services research studies. Volume 17 of Issue 1. 2017. PMID: 28410585

  16. Natalie Purcell, Christopher J. Koenig, Jeane Bosch, Shira Maguen. Veterans’ Perspectives on the Psychosocial Impact of Killing in War. The Counseling psychologist 2016. PMID:

  17. Koenig CJ, Abraham T, Zamora KA, Hill C, Kelly PA, Uddo M, Hamilton M, Pyne JM, Seal KH. Pre-Implementation Strategies to Adapt and Implement a Veteran Peer Coaching Intervention to Improve Mental Health Treatment Engagement Among Rural Veterans. Volume 32 of Issue 4. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association 2016. PMID: 27509291

  18. Sabee CM, Koenig CJ, Wingard L, Foster J, Chivers N, Olsher D, Vandergriff I. The Process of Interactional Sensitivity Coding in Health Care: Conceptually and Operationally Defining Patient-Centered Communication. Volume 20 of Issue 7. Journal of health communication 2015. PMID: 25942355

  19. Koenig CJ, Ho EY, Trupin L, Dohan D. An exploratory typology of provider responses that encourage and discourage conversation about complementary and integrative medicine during routine oncology visits. Volume 98 of Issue 7. Patient education and counseling 2015. PMID: 25865412

  20. Sabee CM, Koenig CJ, Wingard LM, Foster J, Chivers N, Olsher D, Vandergriff I. The Process of Interactional Sensitivity Coding in Healthcare (PISCH): Conceptually and Operationally Defining Patient Centered Communication Journal of health communication 2015. PMID:

  21. Barton JL, Koenig CJ, Evans-Young G, Trupin L, Anderson J, Ragouzeos D, Breslin M, Morse T, Schillinger D, Montori VM, Yelin EH. The design of a low literacy decision aid about rheumatoid arthritis medications developed in three languages for use during the clinical encounter. Volume 14. BMC medical informatics and decision making 2014. PMID: 25649726

  22. Christopher J. Koenig, Leah M. Wingard, Christina Sabee, David Olsher, Ilona Vandergriff. Managing Patient-centered Communication across the Type 2 Diabetes Illness Trajectory: A Grounded Practical Theory of Interactional Sensitivity. Journal of Applied Communication Research 2014. PMID:

  23. Daniel Paul Dohan, Laura Trupin, Christopher Koenig, Fay J. Hlubocky, Christopher Daugherty. Understanding of early-phase clinical trials among a cohort of advanced cancer patients with limited standard treatment options. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2014. PMID:

  24. Koenig CJ, Maguen S, Monroy JD, Mayott L, Seal KH. Facilitating culture-centered communication between health care providers and veterans transitioning from military deployment to civilian life. Volume 95 of Issue 3. Patient education and counseling 2014. PMID: 24742536

  25. Wingard L, Sabee CM, Olsher D, Vandergriff I, Koenig CJ.. Talk in Institutions: A LANSI Volume 2014. PMID:

  26. Rani R. Pallegadda, Elsie J. Wang, Latha P. Palaniappan, Puja K. Gupta, Christopher J. Koenig. How does culture influence preventive service utilisation among Asian Indians living in the USA? A qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Research in Services 2014. PMID:

  27. Samuelson KW, Koenig CJ, McCamish N, Choucroun G, Tarasovsky G, Bertenthal D, Seal KH. Web-based PTSD training for primary care providers: a pilot study. Volume 11 of Issue 2. Psychological services 2013. PMID: 24364595

  28. Koenig CJ, Maguen S, Daley A, Cohen G, Seal KH. Passing the baton: a grounded practical theory of handoff communication between multidisciplinary providers in two Department of Veterans Affairs outpatient settings. Volume 28 of Issue 1. Journal of general internal medicine 2012. PMID: 22868947

  29. Koenig CJ, Ho EY, Yadegar V, Tarn DM. Negotiating complementary and alternative medicine use in primary care visits with older patients. Volume 89 of Issue 3. Patient education and counseling 2012. PMID: 22483672

  30. Koenig CJ, Dutta MJ, Kandula N, Palaniappan L. "All of those things we don't eat": a culture-centered approach to dietary health meanings for Asian Indians living in the United States. Volume 27 of Issue 8. Health communication 2012. PMID: 22364189

  31. Khanna RR, Karliner LS, Eck M, Vittinghoff E, Koenig CJ, Fang MC. Performance of an online translation tool when applied to patient educational material. Volume 6 of Issue 9. Journal of hospital medicine 2011. PMID: 22034196

  32. Koenig CJ. Patient resistance as agency in treatment decisions. Volume 72 of Issue 7. Social science & medicine (1982) 2011. PMID: 21420214

  33. Evelyn Y. Ho, Christopher J. Koenig. Provider—patient communication about complementary and alternative medicine. The Routledge Handbook of Language and Health Communication 2010. PMID: